Wedding Day Skin Prep: Your Exfoliation Options Explained

One of the first questions I ask new clients is: Do you exfoliate? Some say they exfoliate sometimes.  Once in a while I hear somebody say, “What is that?!!”

When applying makeup for any special event your skin is the foundation of the look. If your skin is dull, the whole look can be off. Think of your skin like the foundation of a house, it provides the support for picture-perfect makeup application. So with this in mind, exfoliating once or twice a week depending on your skin type is essential.

If you don’t currently exfoliate, or have very little skin care experience I highly recommend starting a new routine with professional guidance, and, ideally, exfoliation begins 6-12 months before the wedding.

4 Options for Glowing Wedding Day Skin

1. Microdermabrasion 

Microdermabrasion needs to be done by a professional aesthetician or dermatologist.  These are done with a diamond-tipped machine that has suction running simultaneously as it’s passed over your clean skin; This helps pull out impurities while buffing a layer of dead skin off of your face. Microdermabrasion is referred to as a “lunchtime service” because there’s no real down time besides a recommendation to stay out of the sun for a week. Keep in mind that retinol serums are not recommended for use with microdermabrasion.

2. Chemical Peels 

This is a great option if you have acne scars or are trying to manage bacteria that causes acne, but chemical peels do require plenty of time for healing.  To see major changes it may take 3-6 treatments. The downtime can be a week long, and side effects like itchy red skin, peeling, and dryness are common.

3. Enzyme Exfoliation  

Enzyme exfoliation should start 3-6 months before the wedding. Enzymes are chemical exfoliants but are very mild. They gently remove the top layers of dead skin without scrubbing with abrasive microbeads. This is an excellent option if your skin is in overall good shape and you desire a wedding day flawless, youthful glow. Enzymes have the added benefit of allowing hydration products, like serums, to better penetrate your skin.

4. At Home Option

Begin 1-3 months before the wedding. Drink lots of water if you are exfoliating at home, and only exfoliate 1-2 times a week. I highly recommend a product called SexApeel. This product is awesome and you can use it all over your whole body.  As a side note: During COVID-19 when most nail salons are closed, this has been a lifesaver, and it’s especially handy for dry feet.

Gorgeous Skin Without Makeup

With exfoliation you’ll be pleasantly surprised to see how much better your skin looks even without makeup on. Brides often ask me if I’ve already started applying makeup when I’m still prepping the skin. It really makes all the difference in the world.

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